Snehagram intends to impart job oriented classes and training coupled with Academic preparation for Secondary and Higher secondary education under National Open School Curriculum. Thus at large it will capacitate the youths with skills required for them to fetch a job and thus to have stable income. We, through this, intend to make these children capable to stand on their own and to contribute to the society. Some of the areas for skill training we have looked into are electronics, computer programming, language and communication, customer care services, BPO, farming, crafts and tailoring and embroidery. We are hopeful with proper training in these fields, they will be able to find a lot of job opportunities to stand on their own.
We will be concentrating mainly the following areas for their vocational education in the initial phase.
- Language and Communication Training – Through this program we are focusing to strengthen their English Language and communicating skills. It will be essential for Higher Education and their carrier field. This program will be helpful to find jobs in Call Centres, Reception/Front office, BPOs etc.
- Electronics, Computer Networking and Hardware – Here we are planning to provide training for those who are talented and interested in the field of Computer Networking and Hardware. At the same time we will explore job opportunities and internship with companies.
- Tailoring, Embroidery and Craft Work – Tailoring is a source of income that can be full time or part time activity. Here we are planning to organise short term course for the children those who are interested in this area. It will help to work in shops or garment factories or they can start their own unit.
- Agriculture and Farming – one of our major focuses is to provide orientation and training in agriculture and farming. Right now we have thirteen acres of land exclusively for agriculture. We will also have cattle and poultry farm.