Career Guidance Workshop Empowers Youth at Snehagram


Career Guidance Workshop Empowers Youth at Snehagram

On February 11th, Snehagram hosted a career guidance workshop aimed at empowering its youth with valuable skills and insights for their professional journeys. The one-day program featured three distinguished professionals from Bangalore, experts in human resources and career guidance.

The workshop kicked off with introductions from all participants, revealing a collective lack of knowledge about resumes and interviews among the attendees. With a focus on resume building and interview skills, the workshop emphasized the importance of crafting resumes that authentically showcase one’s strengths, achievements, and experiences. Transitioning to interview techniques, the trainers underscored the significance of viewing interviews as conversations aimed at mutual understanding. They highlighted the importance of active listening and thoughtful responses, along with practical tips on attire, grooming, and document preparation.

A poignant moment occurred when a young woman shared her inspiring life story, demonstrating resilience and determination in overcoming challenges. Her narrative served as a powerful source of motivation for the youth, illustrating the importance of perseverance in pursuing career goals. The event proved to be a significant learning experience, equipping attendees with essential skills and inspiring them to pursue their aspirations with determination and resilience.