Thank You Fr. Mathew & Welcome Fr. Johnson


The beginning of the New Academic year also marked some important changes in the administration of Snehagram. Fr. Mathew Perumpil, the architect and director of Snehagram went for a sabbatical and  got transferred from Snehagram on 12th June. Fr. Johnson Vellachira was appointed as the new Director of Snehagram and he was handed over the responsibility by the community on 10th June. Fr. Joy Inchody continues to serve as administrator.  Fr. Mathew moved to the Provincial house in Bangalore. We appreciate the initiatives of Fr. Mathew that he envisaged the second Phase of Children affected and infected with HIV in a creative way. The idea of Snehagram was born in his heart and actualized by his initiative with the support of the Indian Camillian Province. His tireless effort and hard work helped the program to be established with all the necessary infrastructure, conducive ambience and well equipped staff. It also reached new heights by establishing ‘Snehasparsh’ a program continuing to mentor the adults passing out from Snehagram. As Fr.Mathew moves to his new ministry we express our heartfelt gratitude to him for his wonderful service at Snehagram.