Visit by Faculties from Abroad

As part of our Collaboration with Christ University, the Psychology Department Faculty visited Snehagram on Friday 11th January with two visiting Faculties from Abroad. Dr. Nina Josefowitz, PhD, is a psychologist in private practice and has taught a graduate-level course on cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) for over fifteen years in the Counselling and Clinical Psychology Program at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) at the University of Toronto and Dr. Paul Flaspohler, Ph.D, Director of Program Development and Evaluation at Center for School-Based Mental Health Programs. They interacted with the Snehagram team and Students to understand how the collaboration can lead to better outcomes for Snehagram and Christ University.


Thank you father Mathew for showing us wonderful place. The school is wonderful, the gardens beautiful and the students intelligent louvely people. You are doing such a wonderful service.
Dr. Nina Josefowitz

Father Mathew Thank for the to share with us the amazing works you are doing here. I am in awe of your vision and enact the service of true children. I sincerely hope we can find a way to help you to continue this work. I i can be helpful in anyway, please do not hesitate to let me know.

Dr. Paul Flaspohler
Miami University
Ozford, OM