What Christmas means to me

When I came to Sneha Care Home, I did not know the word Christmas. Then I thought that is only celebration for that 1st year. Later I understood it is celebration every year. I had doubts on why we celebrate Christmas. I came to know that Christmas is about how we live our life. We face many difficulties but we are happy sometimes also. when we celebrate Christmas we celebrat the joy and happiness and we get light for a new life. We celebrate Christmas because we can remember our difficulties and happiness we went through. So we decorate our house with light to give happiness to others. When we show light to others they also may be happy in their lives.


Preparation for Our Christmas in Advent Season
We started our Christmas season with four advents for four weeks. Each week had different topics for our learning and meditation.
The first week we could learn about Faith. This time I could know we have to be more faithful in God. And I could realize the God is with me when I will do something good for someone. In the second week we could learn about Hope. When I came to Chapel to read which I wrote about Hope, I realized Hope should have to be in our life itself. On the third week we could learn about Love. When I started to think about love I could realized how much love we are getting from our Fathers, sisters and others, its helps to think about how much God loves me. Before I was thinking no one loves me. Now I can say I am getting lots of love from others, I could learn love to others with real heart. Forth week we could learn about Joy. Froth week really joyful for all of us, because our Christmas celebration was on this week. When I started to learn about joy I can enjoy with real joy in my day to day life. Now I don’t want to fill my heart with any bad things. I could participate to make our Crib. It helps to make real crib in my heart. This I help me to improve myself. When I was in Sneha Care Home didn’t know the real meaning of the Christmas. I thought it is a celebration of Chocolate and Gifts. From Snehagram I could learn the real purpose of Christmas. While preparing for Christmas we all have to put lights to keep away darkness from our heart.